“These are a few of my favorite resources. I am often using/sending these to my clients, so I am sharing here in case you find them helpful. If you find yourself inspired but need some help digesting what you learned or creating action from the insights - consider setting up an ad-hoc coaching session with me.”
Wheel of Life
Most of us have a mid year or annual review at work. I am wondering why we don’t have a “life” annual review? If you did have one, how would you rate yourself in each of life’s domains? What kind of development plan would you set for yourself to show growth and development over the upcoming “life” performance year? When was the last time you thoughtfully assessed your satisfaction in ALL areas of life? Who will hold you accountable for achieving those life goals and measuring the impact? The Wheel of Life is a simple but powerful tool that helps you visualize all the important areas of your life at once. It is often used by life coaches and career coaches to give their clients a "bird's eye" view of their lives. By looking at a visual representation of all the areas of your life at once, the wheel helps you to better understand which of your life areas are flourishing and which ones need the most work. Try the Wheel of Life Reflection to help you complete your annual life review.
Value Assessment
Understanding your core values and reflecting on their presence or absence in your life is important. I encourage you to engage in this exercise to heighten your awareness and evaluate how you can integrate your values into both small and significant decisions. Complete this worksheet to identify your top 5 life values and consider working with me to help you identify actions to take to live in more alignment with them.
Productivity Assessment
Are you having trouble staying organized or focused? I often share this productivity assessment with clients to help them understand their productivity style and possibly learn some new productivity habits. My favorite habit is the Pomodoro Method and playing any kind of binaural beat music to help me focus like this example. If you need some help staying productive, consider a 1:1 session with me to talk about some new habits to experiment with and plan around the likely obstacles and triggers. *Sidenote - take a look at all the positive messages people put into the comments on this video. Hooray for humanity!
Thankful Thoughts Card Decks
I think having a daily gratitude practice is one of the most powerful and positive things you can do for yourself. And I would love to recommend the gratitude cards I created with my daughter - check them out here.
Great 1:1 Meeting Questions
I love this article which shares best practices for the structure of 1:1 meetings between managers/team members. It also has a great list of questions to consider asking - ones that help build meaningful connections, increase awareness of deliverables and challenges, and allow you to have thoughtful career planning check-ins.
How to “Feel Your Feelings”
Therapists and coaches are often encouraging clients to feel their feelings. For many of us, this isn’t such an easy thing to do. This article shares why it is an important practice and it gives great suggestions on how to do it.
Different Ways To Say No
I have sent this link out 100’s of times now. So many of us, including me, have trouble saying no. This article gives some suggestions for phrasing and various ways you can say no in all sorts of work and life contexts.
Curiosity is a Leadership Skill
Research shows that curiosity leads to higher-performing, more adaptable leaders and teams. I love how this article makes the case for this important skill and offers some practical ways to become more curious at work.
Trusting Your Intuition
My clients and I talk a lot about trusting your gut and I am often recommending this article and this article as a way to understand the importance of trusting yourself as well as some helpful ways to be more aware of what your intuition is telling you.
Setting Boundaries
A talented coach friend Natalia created this webinar on the ABCs of setting boundaries. We all know it is important to set boundaries but we also know how hard it is to do. Boundaries can seem complex and nebulous, which makes them hard to define and implement for a lot of us. It can be challenging to recognize where your boundaries lie, understand your needs around them, and how to uphold them in a way that’s meaningful and healthy. In this webinar experience, you’ll explore the different layers of boundaries: thoughts, feelings, somatic (body) sensations, and how they all interact.
What people are saying.
“I use her methods of proactive communications and now have a better plan for how my team will meet challenges during busy season.”
“Tara always poses larger questions to help me focus on the patterns versus just the immediate problem in front of me.”
“I appreciate her ability to talk through issues, her professional wisdom, and ability to recall prior sessions when meeting together.”
"Tara helped me with talking points on what to negotiate in my next position. She also helped me gain clarity on lingering feelings I've had around confidence and how to move forward."
"I always come into the calls confused about my options and leave withe decisions I feel committed to"
"Tara does a great job navigating real actionable solutions with grace as we discuss how to tackle problems. She also handles navigating questions, or posing thoughts, to help consider other reasons and root causes to get to the solution better together."